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中国科学技术大学教授、博导。博士毕业于新加坡国立大学计算机科学专业,致力于信息检索、数据挖掘和机器学习等人工智能领域前沿研究,取得了丰硕的研究成果。在CCF A类会议和期刊发表论文80余篇,谷歌学术引用5000余次,包括国际顶级会议SIGIR、WWW、KDD和顶级期刊TKDE、TOIS、TNNLS等;长期担任这些会议和期刊的审稿人,以及CCIS 2019(云计算与智能系统IEEE国际会议)的程序委员会主席,AI Open期刊编委。研究成果曾获SIGIR 2016最佳论文提名奖、WWW 2018最佳论文提名奖、WWW 2018最佳海报论文奖等,并在多个商业公司的线上系统获得应用,取得积极效果。以负责人主持国家基金委面上项目1项,重点项目1项。

2018年ACM Multimedia最佳论文Final List

Research Interests
Big Data Analytics: Information Retrieval, Recommender System, Multimedia, Fintech
Computational Social Science: Social Media Analysis, Behavioral Analysis
Machine Learning: Deep Learning, Online Learning, Knowledge Graph

Working Experience
University of Science and Technology of China, Professor Mar 2019 | Present
National University of Singapore, Senior Research Fellow Jan 2018 | Mar 2019
National University of Singapore, Research Fellow May 2016 { Dec 2017

Overseas Experience
Google Research (Mountain View, US), Intern Jun 2015 { Sep 2015
Developing methods for large-scale context-aware recommender systems.
Google (New York, US), Intern Jun 2014 | Sep 2014
Developing local chain mining methods for improving chain search.

Teaching Experience
I have served as a Teaching Assistant at NUS for the following modules:
CS5228 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Semester 1 2014/2015
Teaching tutorials, designing course projects, and grading assignments.
CS3245 Information Retrieval Semester 2 2013/2014
Grading and helping on lab projects.
CS1020 Data Structure and Algorithms Semester 1 2013/2014
Teaching tutorials, designing and grading assignments.

Selected Awards
WWW 2018 Best Paper Honorable Mention April 2018
WWW 2018 Best Poster Award April 2018
ACM SIGIR 2016 Best Paper Honorable Mention July 2016
Research Achievement Award (aka the Dean's Graduate Award) Oct 2014
ACM SIGIR 2014 Student Travel Grant July 2014
National University of Singapore Research Scholarship 2011 - 2015
IBM Chinese Excellent Student Scholarship Oct 2010
National Scholarship (top scholarship for Chinese undergraduates) Oct 2010
Shanghai Innovation Fund (as the team leader) May 2010
Publications Published: 4 tutorials, 7 journal papers, and 45 conference papers
Impact: 2200+ citations, h-index: 23, and i10-index: 34
My Google scholar page: 

indicates that the paper is done my the Ph.D. or intern student mentored by me.